More Waterton Canyon
Yay! I took advantage of another day sporting 40 Fahrenheits. The Black Pearl and I visited Waterton Canyon once again. It felt so good to shed some cabin-fever. On the other hand, we're expecting up to 8 inches of snow over the next several days, with high temps remaining in the 20s through next week. Normality will return; it is winter after all. Nonetheless, I can work on several quilts I have in the making. But for now, perhaps you will enjoy some pics from the ride.

This reach of slack-water is the product of a small diversion dam. The snow-free southerly aspects tend to deny that its winter.

Just below the intersection with the Colorado Trail, the service road ramps-up and is icier than it appears.

The Colorado Trail becomes singletrack just around the bend. It reaches Durango, Colorado, 500 miles later.

Guess who showed up...

...why it's Dieter and Wolfgang, the self-proclaimed Bavarian bandits.

I have a soft-spot for dormant coniferous trees; patiently they wait out yet another lonely cold season wrapped in coats of needles.

Thanks for reading. More to come, stay tuned!
Dieter and Wolfgang return! I've missed their antics. Miss Waterton, too. Very ready to return!