Coastal Oregon
The morning following our nephew's wedding, Snowcatcher and I awoke to a bright and clear Sunday. We had an entire day to dig up something to do. Being landlocked back home, it was an easy decision. We would drive up the coast to Bandon; then cut back across to Roseburg and the I-5 corridor. That will put us about halfway to Eugene, Oregon, and an easy catch of our Monday flight back to Denver.

After topping-off with petrol, we followed a siren toward the southwest. Two hours into our trip we craned our necks in awe amongst a redwood forest. Several miles later, we drove into Crescent City, California. Soon, we parked along a quaint beach, courtesy of the Pacific Ocean.

There were numerous beach rocks highlighting the Crescent City lighthouse.

Our trip was a whirlwind tour. We could easily spend a day at each stop. Nonetheless, we pointed the car north and began our Pacific Coast journey. We had no itinerary. We bid farewell to California as we crossed back into Oregon. Arch Rock beckoned us not long after.

The coast is ever so slowly exfoliating away. Yet it has a lot of character.

Are these weathered rocks the result of ancient plate subduction or eons of coastal erosion; probably the latter. Where's a coastal geologist when you need one?

We continued north, following the beautiful coast line. When not paralleling the sea, we enjoyed taking in stunning farmland and forest. In the vicinity of Gold Beach, we pulled over to admire yet more coastal rock.

Regretfully, we didn't have time to roll up the trousers and get our feet wet.

Sun was beginning to wane, so we drove north again, hoping our timing would put us at Bandon close to sunset. We drove up to one of Bandon's beaches just after the sun set. Perfect!!

Minutes later, it was over.

Goodbye Bandon, we'll be back. We pointed our car east and settled in for our 80-mile drive east to Roseburg. Darkness upon us, we didn't get a chance to enjoy the forest en route. Wiping sleep from our eyes the next morning, we caught our first daylight glimpse of Roseburg.

Monday found us navigating through Eugene mid-morning. Snowcatcher had made arrangements to meet a friend prior to our checking in at the airport. Our delightful visit came to an end all too soon. Several hours later, we were checking in at the airport.

Liftoff... we begin our journey back east.

See ya next time Oregon! It's been a hoot!
Your beach pictures are outstanding and cause me to yearn to go back. That place was just too incredible. I totally agree we could have spent a day at each beach and still felt as if we didn't see everything. Magical!