So far, this little guy/gal survived the winter, predation and injury; he/she will be a yearling this spring.
Groundhog Day! What's It Going To Be?
While warm sword-bearing Fahrenheits danced all around, battling cabin fever like good little sword-bearing Fahrenheits do, the Black Pearl whispered the need for a mountain bike ride before the next media over-sensationalized storm hits. The Pearl reminded me the world may end in two days because even the National Weather Service predicted a biggie on the horizon. There may be some truth to that. The storm's ferocity will depend on how the low sets up to our south. We may possibly get a classic upslope, which in common English means: SNOW! We shall see. The Pearl didn't have to twist my arm too much. At the same time, I also planned a 54-mile road ride with Snowcatcher for the eve of the storm. But that's another story.

I'm not sure what happened, but down they went – brrrrrrrr...

Up they came, reminding me they not only are in aerobic training, but also toughness training. They are planning to ride several of the Spring Classics in northern Europe this April. They are tough indeed. Remember Mr. Bill from the old 1970s and 80s on Saturday Night Live? Well, these two tried out for that slot and almost landed the gig. Seriously, I kid you not!

The rest of the ride was typical Waterton...

...well, almost!

At this point the docket is up for grabs; stay tuned...
Dieter and Wolfgang crack me up! This was a really fun post! I love the muddy boys shot! That's so classic!