Colorado Custom and Vintage Bicycle Expo
Part II
All photos courtesy of Snowcatcher
Following are more photos from the bike expo in Golden, Colorado. Let's start with snow riding bikes. Before modern fat bikes (bikes with super wide rims and tires), one builder was experimenting with snow buoyancy by welding rims together to get some width. Enjoy!

It would be fun to see how it handled.

This is a setup for self-supported rides like the Colorado Trail and Tour Divide (Canada to Mexico).

How about some Italian heritage steeped in European cycling history.

Beautiful! Look at those machined Campy cranks.

Belgian Eddy Merckx is considered the man of professional bike racing. He raced from 1961 to 1978.

The American 7-11 Team rode Merckx bikes. They also showed Europe they could compete at their level.

Check out the Campy Delta brakes. It's my understanding these brakes were a bit portly.

Beautiful bikes! Part III should be up in several days. Thanks for reading!
What a hoot! I hope we can do this again next year!