2016 Colorado Custom and Vintage Bicycle Expo
Part I
All photos courtesy of Snowcatcher
On the eve of a large snow event, Snowcatcher and I rode out to the Jefferson County Fairgrounds in Golden, Colorado, for a vintage and custom bike expo. Our ride was a 52-mile out-and-back. I kind of messed up though. I thought the expo was Saturday. When we arrived at the fairgrounds, it was obvious were were there on the wrong day. We were a day early. Oops!
Nonetheless, we had a good stiff (wind) training ride. The following day we drove out to the expo because of a bunch of white stuff falling out of the sky was making everything frosty and wet. Following are some selected pics I'd like to share from the expo.
The first bike I had an interest in was a 1980s Cunningham mountain bike. Charlie Cunningham, a mechanical and aeronautical Engineer, built a total of 187 aluminum bicycles. According to the owner of the bike at the expo, only one other bike just like it exists. I saw the other bike (or one very similar) at Rim Cyclery in Moab, Utah, back in 1988. In 1988, this was a bike to drool over, and drool we did.

This bike was ready to ride, sporting mustache handlebars and roller cam brakes. Rim brakes are fast dying.

The following bike was the old man of the show.

Check out the candle headlight.

The wood pedals and toe-clips are classic.

Now that's a chain!

The 1880s bike is the third bike up from the bottom.

Wood bikes also compete in a carbon, titanium, magnesium, aluminum and steel world.

It's a beautiful finish! It's also belt driven (no steal chain).

Check back in a couple days for Part II.
I can't tell you how much I love that candle headlamp! The whole show was awesome! Thanks for taking me! And thanks for my first half-century in seven months!!! It was worth it!