Das Wetter War Großartig!
According to the National Weather Service, my tiny lair on planet Earth has a chance of receiving snow totaling 12 to 15 inches Sunday (today) through mid-day Tuesday. Finally, some snow!! Hmmmm... I can hear Copper Mountain's siren. Perhaps some downhill fun is in the future. This storm has been forecast for a few days and I've taken advantage of the early spring type warmth our community has been savoring. Nevertheless, winter is winter, and snow is inevitable for several more months.

The "narrows" give way to the warmth of the sun.

This is probably a good idea.

Icy green water released from the depths of Strontia Springs Reservoir.

This melt will soon be like glass.

I had two more days of ridable weather. Dieter and Wolfgang joined me as well; check back in a day or two.
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