Is That Spring in the Air?
Not quite; albeit I was in shorts and long sleeves today. Not bad for February 13th. Our snowiest month, March, is still to come. We can get some cold temps, too. Nonetheless, a lot of melt was taking place. Locally, all but the northerly aspects are snow-free. The Denver Water access road up Waterton Canyon was mostly dry with a few icy and muddy spots.

Today may have been my best ride since being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease last August. I hate the word disease! Don't you? It is what it is. Better yet, I felt good and strong throughout the ride. Take that Parkinson's! Following are a few more pics from the ride. Enjoy!
Looking upstream at impounded water behind one of several diversions.

The diversion dam is downstream in the distance. Can you pick it out?

There is lots of shore ice.

Main channel ice development is ice buildup on large in-stream boulders.

That's it for now. Think spring!
Lizard: 6
Parkinson's: 0