Stunning Autumn Days
Following are some pics from several recent rides up Waterton Canyon. I ride this area a lot. The days have been classic autumn with nippy mornings and warmish afternoons – a true Indian Summer. My ride up the bighorn sheep-infested canyon deposited me at Strontia Springs Reservoir. From here, I rode the Colorado Trail up to its intersection with Trail 800. Another quarter mile deposited me at a fork in the trail, so I took it! Ha ha ha, I've always wanted to say that. Anyway, I did take the left fork. Called the Roxborough loop trail, it arced me back around to Trail 800. A larger loop, Trail 800, would require more time than I had. I used the Roxborough trail to shorten 800's loop.

Forest trails have a lot of root-bound, keep-you-on-your-toes character.

Stealthy singletrack

"In and out of shadows this ride was," Yoda proclaimed.

More delightful singletrack

The trough is steep, loose and about 100 yards in length. Rarely can I get up it without a stop.

From this point, the trail becomes fast, steep and loose, depositing you at Strontia Springs dam.

I hooked back up with Snowcatcher, and we cruised out of the canyon. That's it for now. Later gator.
What I miss by not riding up higher! Thank you for sharing canyon treasures I don't often see!